Msuicbot Discord Stop Songs From Downloading

  • #1


If I play music for YouTube 50+ minutes bot stopped after 3-5 minutes ;/
Why? ;/
youtube-dll can play just 3-5 minutes?
Example: !yt

Look at this:

2018-07-19T20:53:27+02:00 Playing idle tracktrack://0b7fba7c-6f66-47e7-8120-d4ef51648a60
2018-07-19T20:48:45+02:00 PRIVATE-CHAT [★★★★★★★★★★★] Downloading

Music will by play 50 minutes but after 3-5 minutes stopped o_O

Client: 3.1.9 :> I need this becouse I have Server Version 3.2.0

Tested on 2x different VPS ;/


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no longer active, "retired" staff member
  • #3

The solution is pretty simple:

Add / modify the following in your config.ini, that should help:


                            [YoutubeDL] ChunkSize = 2000000 MaxSimultaneousChunkDownloads = 8                          
  • #5

The solution is pretty simple:

Funktioniert bei mir nicht. Nach knapp 5 Minuten stoppt sie weiterhin und das Lied wird gewechselt. Würde es helfen die MaxDownloadSize zu erhöhen? Oder irgendwas in der Richtung? Hab wenig Ahnung davon. :rolleyes:
Musikstreams funktionieren ohne Probleme.


BufferSize = 524288
MaxDownloadSize = 419430400
MaxDownloadRate = 104857600
MaxSimultaneousChunkDownloads = 8
CacheStreamed = false
TimeoutSingleDownloader = 0
TimeoutMultiDownloader = 0
ChunkSize = 2000000

  • #7

U must doing restart :p screen or docker.

Use command !yt link
Do not use this music on CONTROL PANEL ;/

Did a restart,

now the longer files in my playlist just got an error

. In addition to that, when I am using !playlist [playlistname] and want to skip a song it skips the following song as well :eek: And when I am using !yt [playlisturl] this appears: "Download failed for [Playlisturl] ; no good format found"

Edit: Now the files in my PL are ok again...

testing it again rn. See you in 5 minutes or so xD

Edit2: Nope, music still stops and switches to the next song after 4-5 minutes. :c

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  • #9

!skip is bad :> I know.
Send Your config.ini

TS3Path = "C:\\SinusBot\\TeamSpeak 3 Client\\ts3client_win64.exe"
ListenHost = ""
DataDir = "C:\\SinusBot\\data\\"
ListenPort = 8087
LocalPlayback = false
EnableLocalFS = false
MaxBulkOperations = 300
LogLevel = 3
EnableProfiler = false
YoutubeDLPath = ""
EnableDebugConsole = false
UploadLimit = 83886080
RunAsUser = 0
RunAsGroup = 0
InstanceActionLimit = 6
UseSSL = false
SSLKeyFile = ""
SSLCertFile = ""
Hostname = ""
HostnameMask = ""
SampleInterval = 60
StartVNC = false
EnableWebStream = false
LogFile = ""
LicenseKey = "aECbTu7M3r2ytoc7faGBLdTYnVV4HJig+BbTEBk+TQg="
IsProxied = false
DenyStreamURLs = []
Pragma = 0
UserAgent = ""

BufferSize = 524288
MaxDownloadSize = 419430400
MaxDownloadRate = 104857600
MaxSimultaneousChunkDownloads = 8
CacheStreamed = false
TimeoutSingleDownloader = 0
TimeoutMultiDownloader = 0
ChunkSize = 2000000

AvatarMaxWidth = 0
AvatarMaxHeight = 0
AllowGIF = false


AllowReload = false
EnableTimer = false
DisableLegacyEvents = false
ScriptTimeout = 5

Default = ""

Enable = false

UserAgent = "SinusBot (0.13.37-f37f203)"

Enable = false

Delay = 0
Debug = false

Enable = false
Size = 0
Delay = 0
Interval = 0

URL = ""
UpdateInterval = 0

  • #11

Im not allowed/ able to restart vps. I do not own it.:oops:

(Vps is the Teamspeakserver right?)



no longer active, "retired" staff member
  • #13

Nope, music still stops and switches to the next song after 4-5 minutes. :c

@Tryagainlater did you restart the bot after changing the config? Otherwise the new settings will not be used...

And when I am using !yt [playlisturl] this appears: "Download failed for [Playlisturl] ; no good format found"

This will be fixed in the next version (I think @flyth already fixed it internally, not sure though).

and want to skip a song it skips the following song as well :eek:

This will also be fixed in the next version, flyth already fixed it internally.

  • #14

@Tryagainlater did you restart the bot after changing the config? Otherwise the new settings will not be used...

This will be fixed in the next version (I think @flyth already fixed it internally, not sure though).

This will also be fixed in the next version, flyth already fixed it internally.

- I did restart the bot 2 or 3 times to make sure everything is correct. I even restarted my PC just to be sure xD
- awesome! That would make things much easier :)
- awesome as well <3

@dziudziu vps will get a restart someday, Im sure xD


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